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Club Policies
We have coherent club policies and procedures. We have policeis and procedures that govern the running of both our senior and junior players.
Junior Policies & Procedures
Code of Ethics
Genesis Hockey Club has adapted the Code of Ethics ensure that the Clubs young people are safe-guarded in their participation in hockey in the Club. The Code additionally protects coaches, managers and leaders in addition to the players themselves and also ensure that we are up to date with current best practice and legislation within Ireland.
Please see here for the code of ethics
Code of Conduct
Genesis Hockey Club wants to provide the best possible environment for all people involved in the sport.
All players deserve to be given enjoyable, safe sporting opportunities, free of abuse of any kind. These
participants have rights, which must be respected, and responsibilities that they must accept. All players,
coaches, volunteers and parents should be encouraged to realise that they have responsibilities to treat other participants and sports leaders with fairness and respect.
We ask each player, coach, volunteer and parent to adhere to our guidelines and codes of conduct and request that you all sign a copy to confirm your commitment to our policies and guidelines and return to your relevant Club Representative.
Please see here for the code of conduct
Genesis Hockey recognises the importance of a positive club culture in the prevention of all forms of bullying. Our club culture and atmosphere values and welcomes difference and diversity, and inclusivity and respect are at the clubs core.
Our aim is always to provide a safe and supportive environment to all our club members where positive
behaviours are encouraged and all club members are aware that any form of bullying is unacceptable. Through our Core Values we are committed to achieving an environment which maximises the potential of all our members when playing or participating in Genesis Hockey.
We adopt a practical, common sense, compassionate and integrated approach to addressing bullying. We are committed to implementing structures and investing in relevant training to prevent and deal with allegations of bullying. With this ethos, Genesis Hockey is committed to ensuring that incidents of bullying are dealt with appropriately at all times.
Please see here for our Anti Bullying Policy
Selection Policy:
Social Media Policy:
Privacy & GDPR Policy:
Children’s Officer and Designated Person
For concerns regarding the protection and welfare of Junior players please contact our Club Children’s Officer. Our Childrens officer is:
Laura Barrie
Phone: 086 849 4481
Genesis Childrens Officer E-Mail:
The Club Children’s Officers is an essential element in the creation of a quality atmosphere for young people in any club. They act as a resource to members with regard to children’s issues and also ensure that children have a voice in the running of the club and can talk freely about their experiences.
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